He TRAINED For 300 YEARS And NOW He Can KILL Any MONSTER!! - Manhwa Recap

  • Опубликовано: 26 мар 2025
  • business: theelianjs10@gmail.com
    Name: In Coments
    Manga , MANHWA , anime , MANHUA , recap , summary , dongua
    All media used in this video is used for the purpose of entertainment and education under the terms of fair use. All the footage, music, and images belong to their respective owners.
    This video follows "Fair-Use" rules. This video was only made for artistic expression, it is purely fan-made.
    This Video is in no way associated with the musical artist or the anime company.
    All rights belong to their respective owners.
    Manhwa recap,Manga recap,Real Recap,Manhwa Tower,Manhwa Dealer,Manhwa Galaxy,Manhwa Life,Voice of Manhwa,Dronzer Recap,ManhwaCapped,asura manhwa recap,manga recap,manhwa recap,manga recaps,manga,ActionToon,manga explained,manhwa recap zone,manga secrets,Recap Haven,manhua,manhwa summary,recap manga,manga capped,recap manhwa,manhwa recaps,manhwa, ActionToon Asura Manhwa Recap Manga Secrets Yahello madamada, manhwa fresh, manhwa outpost
    Tags: manhwa recap, anime recap, anicap, the manhwa man, manhwa, webtoon, manhwa recaps, manhwa cap, webtoon recap, high school mercenary, teenage mercenary, mercenary enro, mercenary enrollment, Manga, manga, Manga recap, Manhwa recap, manga summary, manga capped, manga cap, manhwa summary, manga recaps, manga recap, manhwa capped, anime recaps, anicaps, anirecap, anime summary, anime, ani, recap, mangacaps, mangacap, mangas, animecaps, anime plot, movie recap, recap manhwa, recap mangaMangacapped SS Rank Recapper Aniclimax Mr Recap anime Recap MANHUA summary
    Tags: manhwa recap, anime recap, anicap, the manhwa man, manhwa, webtoon, manhwa recaps, manhwa cap, webtoon recap, high school mercenary, teenage mercenary, mercenary enro, mercenary enrollment, Manga, manga, Manga recap, Manhwa recap, manga summary, manga capped, manga cap, manhwa summary, manga recaps, manga recap, manhwa capped, anime recaps, anicaps, anirecap, anime summary, anime, ani, recap, mangacaps, mangacap, mangas, animecaps, anime plot, movie recap, recap manhwa, recap manga

Комментарии • 62

  • @manhwaking12
    @manhwaking12  15 дней назад +28

    name: The Knight King Who Returned with a God

    • @R82067
      @R82067 15 дней назад +3

      I'm just guessing but a system

    • @PabloHernandez-gl5ij
      @PabloHernandez-gl5ij 15 дней назад +3

      ​@@R82067oh definitely without a doubt. 😎

    • @demonking803
      @demonking803 14 дней назад

      Almost thought it was beginning after the end bc he looks like Arthur as a baby

    • @nobodycares6633
      @nobodycares6633 14 дней назад +1

      Jagt Spinne AI voice is amazing.....

    • @sharkvark
      @sharkvark 10 дней назад

      good job with putting the title here, it’s kinda getting worse with a lot of them not putting it here but, u did nice to see

  • @Jeff_The_Devil
    @Jeff_The_Devil 13 дней назад +10

    0:19 Not gonna lie bro looks like the MC in the anime jobless reincarnation

  • @PabloHernandez-gl5ij
    @PabloHernandez-gl5ij 15 дней назад +12

    Ah yes now this is a good way to start off a Tuesday morning with a fantasy Manhwa Video Thank you Manhwa King and also 10 out of 10 on the thumbnail keep up the great work.☺️👍

  • @RemonJohnson-kh2dr
    @RemonJohnson-kh2dr 15 дней назад +19

    People want to go to heaven when they unalive. You can keep all that just let me be isekaid😭

    • @Immadude3951
      @Immadude3951 14 дней назад +1

      This is a funny joke but unrealistic. In order to go to heaven one must take Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior and follow him. Isekai isn’t real. You only get one life; once that’s over you go to dine in heaven, or burn in hell.

    • @Noxidsignorantia
      @Noxidsignorantia 13 дней назад

      ​@@Immadude3951 Neither exists to our knowledge both isakai and heaven are fragments of the human mind. We have no proof that god exists nor heaven nor hell, the bible is not a factual source and was written hundreds of years after JC lived.

    • @novisaa1
      @novisaa1 12 дней назад

      @@Immadude3951 So, If I don't believe him, But I'm still a good person.. I still burn in hell? Seems a little devilish to me lmao

    • @yofoot4054
      @yofoot4054 12 дней назад

      ​@@Immadude3951 so believe in a superhero?

    • @Immadude3951
      @Immadude3951 11 дней назад

      @@novisaa1 Its based off sin. He who does not sin has the right to go to heaven, BUT if you sin even once ( which everyone has) you don’t have the right and its by God’s mercy you enter heaven and God chose the one and only condition to be following him.

  • @Steven-g9u
    @Steven-g9u 13 дней назад +3

    Next part please 🙏

  • @Copper631
    @Copper631 15 дней назад +5

    time to wait ages for the next part

  • @zhyguyisflyok3699
    @zhyguyisflyok3699 14 дней назад +3

    Ain't no way deamon said is the the mc I ain't doing no more evil

    @GUNVALKERIE 14 дней назад +5

    What you should be asking is... How is this survivor from another world able to speak perfect Korean? Better yet... How is he not astounded by the buildings or technology of this world? (Even though he is pretending)

    • @Steast
      @Steast 13 дней назад

      Well they don’t know about his world. All they know is he’s a one man army and a king. King of another world. They’re bound to assume otherworlders might also be spawning on his side

    • @rubbyyy21
      @rubbyyy21 10 дней назад +1

      It was specifically stated that he was an orphan who got reincarnated at the start of the story.

  • @Phoenix-fromash
    @Phoenix-fromash 6 дней назад +1

    This story is cool
    He gives no fk he is real hero

  • @ProsperOkojie-y5o
    @ProsperOkojie-y5o 9 дней назад

    Leon low key acts like tobiramah in Naruto when it comes to racism

  • @imbalowkeygaming5932
    @imbalowkeygaming5932 14 дней назад +11

    Manwha: The Knight King Who Returned with a God
    Chapter 1 - 32
    Latest chapter is 93

    • @R82067
      @R82067 14 дней назад +2

      Name is already in the pinned comment

    • @activeboat6890
      @activeboat6890 10 дней назад +1

      @@R82067 aint that hard to be thankful

    • @R82067
      @R82067 10 дней назад +2

      ​@@activeboat6890 mofo you really went to the comment just say first off manhwa Kings the names second the people that leaves the names knows their farm likeing oh then we have you who likes their own comments thinking you'll get the same thing

    • @R82067
      @R82067 10 дней назад +2

      ​@@activeboat6890 Canadian wanna be involved

    • @metime1756
      @metime1756 10 дней назад

      Where can I find it is my question

  • @ChrisNiv
    @ChrisNiv 7 дней назад

    hi, thanks for the narated scan, but how you dio it?

  • @R82067
    @R82067 15 дней назад +6

    This already seems pretty good

  • @DanielDunbar-l8w
    @DanielDunbar-l8w 7 дней назад


  • @Dudley-u3j
    @Dudley-u3j 8 часов назад

    Fell like he would be British in real life

  • @MrFranciscoooooo
    @MrFranciscoooooo 14 дней назад +1


  • @brightlord-ov7cm
    @brightlord-ov7cm 14 дней назад

    So he trained really hard and became orcbolg aka gawblin slayer!

  • @gregoryasgoudakis9642
    @gregoryasgoudakis9642 11 дней назад

    Bro nah there is even a red gate suspicious....

  • @AireneYu-r6p
    @AireneYu-r6p 15 дней назад +7

    Bros racist against orks bro😂

  • @SpiritDragon366
    @SpiritDragon366 11 дней назад

    So it’s gilgamesh in a solo leveling world

  • @npdady
    @npdady 12 дней назад +1

    6:17 at first I was, yay, a cool fantasy story. Then it's the same gate story and the same hunter story again. What is it with Korean manhwa and their obsession with gates?? Can't they do something else other than gates?

  • @wolfyhalfmoon819
    @wolfyhalfmoon819 14 дней назад

    This guy treats orcs like frieren treats demons 😂

  • @MarkelBagley
    @MarkelBagley 9 дней назад

    Part two

  • @anthrax808
    @anthrax808 10 часов назад

    Can we stop using the dungeon break theory, it's seriously played out....

  • @fzxs5437
    @fzxs5437 13 дней назад +1

    Honestly, it's not even funny. Its annoying af to have someone like the mc in your team. Acting so above, not caring if some die, as long as some live and he gets a fight out of it. What the hell.

  • @sanminsoe9918
    @sanminsoe9918 9 дней назад +1


  • @MichaelWildYT
    @MichaelWildYT 15 дней назад +3


  • @georgetv.6883
    @georgetv.6883 14 дней назад

    ❤ Next

  • @87snares
    @87snares 4 дня назад

    Solo leveling… basically?

  • @ChristianJoyner-Sanders
    @ChristianJoyner-Sanders 10 дней назад +2

    This is basically rudesu the anime but bad

  • @austinstredicke9376
    @austinstredicke9376 9 дней назад

    i stopped listening to read on my own and my reading is bland vs this guys reading that adds the little extra i couldnt do on my own time.........

  • @soyorsai
    @soyorsai 3 дня назад

    Yea no. The manhwa itself is very good but ur recap, ur skipping informations and that don't sit right with me. Some of the places u skip could lead to a comedic or a info that tells more about the place, situation or simply to fantize. U can't skip shit the author put in like it's ur own except for 80% of Chinese manhwa cuz they mostly just BS but this kind of Manhwa, u need to show some Respect to the author/Rtist and urself.

  • @SammyAmilol
    @SammyAmilol 14 дней назад +1


  • @atmphil1
    @atmphil1 10 дней назад

    i dont like this one it sucks the way the guy acts ruined it.

  • @SemperFidelisss
    @SemperFidelisss 14 дней назад

    1:09:48 bro skedaddled